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How To Buy The Correct Pair Of Stirrups For Your Horse

This can be done in the best way by doing a number of checks. You need to make sure you don’t rush the process when it comes to buying the perfect pair. There's a quick check you can do to ensure that your stirrups are the right size. You should be able to fit one finger width on either side of the widest part of your boot and the stirrup. Alternatively, measure the bottom of your riding boots across the ball of your foot (the widest part), and then add 1 inch.

It's important for your safety to buy the correct size of Stirrups for your feet. When it comes down to it, in terms of buying the perfect product in line with your needs as a rider, some stirrups feature a bow shape to help provide perfect balance to set your leg in the correct position whatever your discipline. Finding Stirrups that you love can really help with your riding so this is why it pays in the long run to really look into what you are buying and how you will also ride with them too; this can in fact make a world of difference to you as a rider.

After determining the best stirrups for your riding style, you need to make sure you purchase the right size and know too how to best use them also. All of this is vital for you to have the best possible horse riding experience as a rider. There are a number of brands in the market and to add to that, a number of price points from which you can buy stirrups too. One of the stand out products in more recent times has been the Stirrups from Flex-on / Flex-on Stirrups. As a brand, Flex-on have become something of a market leader that a lot of the main and leading riders have chosen as their go to product.

Overall, in looking to buy the correct pair of stirrups for your horse, you need to basically research as much as you can. You also need to be on the right page when it comes to the key measurements and also other specs – you also need to make sure you remember to buy the right stirrups based on the kind of rider you are and riding you will do. Choosing the correct length for your stirrups is essential as well as a number of other key aspects.